Outsourcing recruitment to a dedicated recruitment agency increases in necessity where technical positions are concerned. Recruitment is a business process that should be outsourced anyhow, though due to the nature of technical positions and the recruitment process there are even more reasons to outsource this important business process than there would ordinarily be. Here are five excellent reasons for outsourcing your company’s recruitment processes to a dedicated recruitment agency.
1. Improving the quality of job candidates
This is easily one of the top reasons for outsourcing your company’s recruitment processes for technical positions, or for that matter, any positions that require filling. Just as you’d outsource your call handling needs to a dedicated call handling firm, so too should you outsource your recruitment processes to a dedicated recruitment agency, and with good reason too, because that’s what they do best. As that’s so, you’ll find it inherently advantageous to outsource your recruitment processes to a dedicated outsourcing agency, preferably one with strong experience in your particular field.
2. Level the playing field
Due to the large, often expansive, human resource and recruitment departments that many large companies possess, you’ll find that outsourcing your recruitment processes helps to level the playing field. This is a prominent reason for outsourcing recruitment on the part of small companies and businesses that would ordinarily be unable to compete with larger companies and their dedicated human resource and recruitment departments. By outsourcing, small to medium size companies find that they’re better able to vie for the attentions of top talent who would ordinarily be snapped up by larger companies and corporations.
3. Reducing costs
By outsourcing your recruitment processes you can reduce costs in several ways. Firstly you can save money on the recruitment process by outsourcing to a dedicated agency because they’re set up and ready to source technical talent for organisations like yours. Secondly, you’ll reduce the amount of time it takes to fill a position so you’re not operating understaffed for as long as you’d otherwise be. Thirdly, and this isn’t the last area in which there’s the potential to reduce costs, you’ll also save money by hiring the right person for the job and not someone who’s going to last a week or two before leaving or having to be replaced.
4. Create a larger talent pool
This concerns temporary or short term contract workers more so than permanent staff, though outsourcing your recruitment processes when you need temporary or short term contract workers will help to create a larger talent pool when you need to fill permanent oil & gas jobs in Calgary at a later date. For example, should you hire a temporary worker to cover a permanent employee when they’re on holiday, and you’re happy with the work they’ve performed, you’ll have increased your talent pool because they can be offered a permanent, or even another temporary, position at a later time.
5. Better develop recruitment metrics
By outsourcing your recruitment processes to a dedicated recruitment agency with experience in technical fields your company will be better able to develop recruitment metrics. This is the area concerned with tracking, amongst other things, your turnover rate, how many employees per position are required, the cost per hire, the number of applicants, the speed of the hiring process and so much more. Developing recruitment metrics better enables you to understand your recruitment processes and can help you to better understand what’s working and what needs improving.
As you can see, outsourcing your recruitment processes will prove advantageous for a number of reasons, so explore your options and operate more efficiently.
Fircroft is a recruitment company that overs a number of oil & gas jobs in Calgary and other locales. They also list vacancies in the power and energy industry.