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There are many different types of projects that can be undertaken by homeowners who are keen to improve their properties, whether for their personal benefit, to increase the value of their home, or for a combination of these two reasons. The main factors to consider when evaluating possible projects for your own home are cost and practicality. Below are three popular choices, together with some personal thoughts on the benefits that each one has to offer.

Loft conversions

Unless you are a hoarder and have lived in your property for decades, the chances are that you hardly ever use the space in between your roof and the ceilings of the upstairs rooms. Perhaps you have the odd piece of unwanted furniture sitting up there or your collection of LPs, which have long since been replaced by CDs and digital downloads. If this is the case, a loft conversion could be an excellent choice for a home improvement project.

The principle advantage of loft conversions is that the space is already there so construction work can be kept to a minimum. Steel placements and timber joists are needed to strengthen the floor and plasterboard can be used to form interior walls but the whole space does not have to be built from the ground up, as would be the case with an extension.

Outdoor constructions

From simple sheds to buildings suitable for human habitation, there is a wide range from which to choose. If you want a space that you can use as a home office or a playroom for your children, it will have to be built properly from quality materials that have good insulation properties and are durable. Garden rooms are designed and manufactured by a variety of reputable companies so there is no need to attempt to build one from scratch. You will however, need to think about the size of the building you require and how much you are willing to spend so that the firm you commission to design and build your new office or children’s den know what they need to do.

The biggest advantage of this type of home improvement is that you gain a practical space that can be used all year round and that will add value to your home too.

An extension

If you have plenty of money to spare and you do not mind that your home may resemble a construction site for several months, building an extension to your property might be your best choice. It can be designed to look like an integral part of the original structure and if it is well built, it sure to add value to your house.

The main disadvantages of an extension when compared to an outdoor building such as the garden rooms mentioned earlier include high cost and the length of time such a project will take to complete. Something made from structural insulated panels that utilises a plinth foundation system will be kinder to the environment, quicker to erect and cost significantly less.

Zoe Ferguson writes articles and blog posts for Roomworks, a famous design service in UK offering top notch garden rooms for many clients across the country.