Home > Privacy Policy

This website is operated by PurchasingReviews.com

Important information

Your privacy is our top concern. We work hard to earn and keep your trust, so we adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:

  • We do not rent or sell your personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes
  • We do not share your contact information with another User without your consent
  • Any personally identifiable information that you provide will be secured with industry standard protocols and technology

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our home page. By continuing to use this service after notice of changes have been sent to you or published on this website, you are consenting to the changes.

Please read this privacy policy to learn more about:


In order to become a member, you must first create an account on our website. To create an account you are required to provide the following contact information, which you recognize and expressly acknowledge is personal information allowing others, including PurchasingReviews.com, to identify you: name, email address, country, ZIP/postal code, a brief summary of your company, and a password chosen by you. Customer Service

PurchasingReviews.com may collect information through the PurchasingReviews.com website in order to, among other things, accurately categorize and respond to a customer's inquiry and deliver appropriate service levels.


Like most websites, PurchasingReviews.com uses cookies and web log files to track site usage. A cookie is a tiny data file which resides on your computer which allows PurchasingReviews.com to recognize you as a User when you return to the PurchasingReviews.com website using the same computer and web browser. If your browser settings do not allow cookies, you will not be able to use the PurchasingReviews.com website. Like the information you enter at registration or in your Profile, cookie and log file data is used to customize your experience on our website. One type of cookie, known as a "persistent" cookie, is set once you've logged in to your PurchasingReviews.com account. The next time you visit the PurchasingReviews.com website, the persistent cookie will allow us to recognize you as an existing User so you will not need to log in before using the service. In order to access or change any of your private information (like a credit card number) or to send a message to another User, however, you must log in securely again with your password even if your computer contains your persistent cookie. Additionally, if you log out of the PurchasingReviews.com website you will need to re-enter your password the next time you visit in order to log in to your account. Another type of cookie, called a “session” cookie, is used to identify a particular visit to the PurchasingReviews.com website. Session cookies expire after a short time or when you close your web browser. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service by storing User preferences and tracking User trends. In the course of serving advertisements or optimizing services to our Users, we may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. Any information provided to third parties through such cookies will not be personally identifiable but may provide general segment information, e.g. your industry or geographic location, your occupation, or information about your professional or educational background, for greater customization of your user experience. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Unfortunately, if your browser settings do not allow cookies or you opt to refuse all cookies, you may not be able to use the PurchasingReviews.com website or services. PurchasingReviews.com does not store personally identifiable information in the cookies.

Uses of personal information

PurchasingReviews.com is an online service dedicated to helping all types of professionals more effectively connect with one another. The personally identifiable information you choose to provide on our website is used to help you describe yourself to other Users. Other information, that does not personally identify you as an individual, is collected by PurchasingReviews.com from Users and is exclusively owned by PurchasingReviews.com. This information can be utilized by PurchasingReviews.com in such manner as PurchasingReviews.com, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.


In order to secure your personal information, access to your data on PurchasingReviews.com is password-protected, and sensitive data is protected by SSL encryption when it is exchanged between your web browser and the PurchasingReviews.com web site. To protect any data you store on our servers we also regularly audit our system for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and we use a tier-one secured-access data center. It is your responsibility to protect the security of your login information. Please note that emails and similar means of communication with other users of PurchasingReviews.com are not encrypted and we strongly request you not to communicate any confidential information through these means.

Legal Disclaimer

It is possible that we may need to disclose personal information when required by law, such as responses to civil or criminal subpoenas, or other requests by law enforcement personnel. We will disclose such information wherein we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to comply with a court order, ongoing judicial proceeding, subpoena, or other legal process or request to PurchasingReviews.com brought in any country throughout the world, or to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

How to contact us

If you have questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us.