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3220 S. Ponca dr.
Independence, MO 64057

Welcome to Solar Green Effects Solar Green Effects is your source for top quality Solar Panels, Grid-Tie Systems, Recycling, Insulation, Skylights, Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems, Solar Power Attic Fans, Wind Power, LED Fixtures, LED Retrofit and LED Lights that are all economical to operate and environmentally friendly. Solar Green Effects is dedicated to helping the environment, by having products that reduce the carbon foot print and making cleaner air for the future. The products we offer are run on natural energy and are environmental friendly. Have you made the low cost, easy changes that can reduce your energy bill? Taking simple steps like adding a Free Heat unit, or LED Lights are basic ways to begin this process. Using smart power strips that turn off electronics when not in use, use Solar Panels and Radiant Barrier insulation and Skylight natural light system instead of using light switches are also ways to make this change. Also makes sure your windows, door, and insulation are keeping your energy inside, by adding a Solar Power Attic Fan installed will make a huge difference in your energy usage. Save you money and doing our part for the environment.

222 B Sundown Dr
Independence, MO 64054