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How to Reduce Small Business Energy Costs

Businesses of all sizes like to make savings whenever they’re needed, but they shouldn’t have a discernible impact on their day-to-day operations. This is certainly the case when it comes to your business’s energy bills. As one of the biggest overheads that most companies have, it’s important to look at how much you’re paying for gas and electricity. You’ll want to get a good deal, and with the help of experts such as make it cheaper, it’s possible to save your company thousands of pounds annually, but how can it be done?

One business owner in Kingswood, Hampshire found it quite easy to reduce her company’s running costs, saving her a small fortune on her gas and electricity. Jan Frost, the owner of Screenbase, a company which designs and manufactures office screen systems found that by switching energy supplier, she could save a tidy sum. She realised that her energy costs were getting too high, so she decided to be proactive and look for better deals elsewhere with Make it Cheaper’s assistance.

There were a number of reasons which prompted Jan to make the change. She found her previous suppliers’ billing systems to be all over the place, with different estimates being given by the supplier each month. However, the final straw came when she was told by the supplier of a price rise, which seemed like a pill too bitter to swallow.

“When they decided to raise their prices at the end of 2011, we said enough was enough, and decided that shopping around for the best deal was our only option”, said Jan reflectively. Determined to get a deal which would reduce Screenbase’s energy bills dramatically, she contacted a number of different energy companies directly, but found that a phone call to Make it Cheaper was her ticket to big savings. They got her a deal with CNG, a Harrogate-based supplier who charge £500 per year less than her old supplier.

Jan said that she found Make it Cheaper to be friendly, efficient and extremely knowledgeable, which resulted in the new deal with CNG. Screenbase are just one of thousands of companies who go to Make it Cheaper for help finding a better deal on their energy bills, and with cumulative savings of £88m in 2011, they can help your business to save hundreds or even thousands of pounds on an annual basis, which can be spent on other parts of your company.