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Why Would You Install Surveillance Cameras In The Workplace?

Surveillance cameras such as CCTV and other hidden cameras can be of great benefit to a business. They can keep the company secure from burglars and they can monitor your staff. Keeping one step ahead of the game can be hard enough without your staff suddenly becoming less productive. Monitoring your staff can lead to real savings of time and money and you will be able to see what the problems are with productivity and other problems. Watching how many cigarette breaks someone has or how often they are at the coffee machine can give you an idea of how much money you are paying someone for doing nothing. Their hours could be reduced and you would still get the same productivity or you could address the issue and up the productivity by restricting breaks. A covert camera system is a great way to find out who has been helping themselves to the company loo rolls, coffee and stationery. A good CCTV system will show you who is a reliable and loyal employee and who is only in it for what they can get or. An employee thinking about stealing the details of a new company product or idea would possibly think twice if they knew there were hidden cameras.

How Can I Get A System Installed?

There are many CCTV systems, covert and hidden cameras on the market it can be somewhat overwhelming.  Looking at a review website can help you chose which system you want and can also inform you of what is good and what is bad. A private investigator such as Private Investigator Coventry are often used to buy and install a CCTV system or if you prefer a high street electrical shop could do the same. It is possible to install the system yourself but it is probably a good idea to ask an expert to do it and they will also be able to show you how to operate the equipment for maximum results.

A Real Life Account Of CCTV In The Workplace

A business had started to struggle to keep their head above water. The MD decided to find out what the problems were so he started to look at things that he had not looked at before. He looked into the phone systems, stationery, toilet and kitchen supplies and the cost effectiveness of his staff. He was hoping that he would not have to give anyone notice but he was bracing himself for the horrible experience. He contacted a private detective when he realised he needed some help with his investigation. The detectives suggested he use CCTV and fitted it for him within a few days. The devices had a huge impact on his idea of his employees and he found the cause of his problems. A few of his employees were doing next to nothing and they were disrupting others. He called them into his office and with the evidence of the CCTV footage he dismissed them on the spot.


Charlie Hodgson is a private investigator who has spent many years working with CCTV systems and other spy cameras. During the course of his career he has helped many companies to get to the bottom of problems in the workplace. For more articles like this visit http://www.privateinvestigator-coventry.co.uk