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5 Things to Consider When Moving Your Small Business

Moving to a new location provides an excellent opportunity to address aspects of your business that could be improved upon. These include communication technologies (internet and telecoms), the appearance of your workplace (colour schemes, furniture and theming) and the layout of your office. It’s also worth bearing in mind that office relocations are more complicated than moving home, so contact a removal company to help with the move. You’ll also need to make a relocation checklist, one that includes the following five considerations.

Consideration #1: Inform your employees of the move and get them involved

If you’ve a large workforce then you could create an internal ‘relocation team’. This team won’t take care of the actual relocation but rather prepare for the relocation in other ways. This includes preparing items to be packed, throwing away what isn’t required, contacting clients, customers and business contacts to inform them of your upcoming relocation, sourcing removal firms and preparing the new office for the arrival of your equipment and furniture. Put someone in charge of the checklist and appoint them ‘move manager’, from now on everyone in the relocation team reports to them so you can concentrate on other things at work. 

Consideration #2: Prepare what you plan to take and throw out what you don’t

elocating offers businesses the opportunity to make a clean start with regard to equipment and furniture. If your office equipment and furniture is old or outdated throw it away and start fresh. You won’t regret starting out in your office with comfortable new chairs and desks and you won’t regret having new equipment in the workplace either. This is also true of your colour schemes, office layouts and other aspects of your old office that can be improved upon. Therefore moving to a new office provides your business with the opportunity to start afresh which has been found to be very advantageous. 

Consideration #3: Contact service providers and prepare the new workplace

In order to effectively reduce the amount of downtime your business experiences, contact service providers to inform them of the move. This ensures that when you arrive at your new location your communication technologies (internet and telecoms) are ready to use, plus it ensures that you have electricity and running water. Parking permits and other considerations might also need to be arranged in advanced to further ensure that you’re ready to get back to work.  

Consideration #4: Procure quotes from several removal companies

When sourcing a removal company online look for members of your national furniture removal association or a similar body to ensure professionalism and liability. All professional removal firms have public liability that covers damage to buildings and your possessions and also provides you with peace of mind. It’s advisable to contact at least several removal companies that meet your requirements (membership in relevant associations, public liability insurance, able to cater for businesses moving interstate  etc.) in order to procure the most competitive quote and the company you feel most comfortable utilising. 

Consideration #5: Settling in comfortably 

On the day after everything has arrived (moving is best performed on a weekend to limit disruptions to your business) avoid the turmoil that often characterises office locations by preparing your workforce in advance and if necessary have them arrive early. Welcome them to their new workplace, you could even arrange breakfast for them, and employ the relocation team you organised to arrange and organise the other workers to get the new office ready for business. 

By paying attention to these five considerations you’ll find relocating to be of little hassle and ultimately very advantageous. 


Zoe Ferguson writes for Quick and Easy Removals, a renowned company in Australia home to many professional interstate removalists. Their impeccable staff and unrivaled service make them one of the most reliable moving companies in the country.