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Business mailing Address in Union City: 32108 Alvarado Blvd, Union City CA, 94587. Company main office address at: 1906 Mendocino St. Richmond CA 94804.Multi Locksmith is licensed by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Service, License No. LCO 4794.Multi Garage Doors is a business name of Multi Locksmith. We perform our services through a network of independently owned and operated affiliates.We have no retail store this address is where we recive our mail.

1714 franklin st. # 100 -205
Oakland, CA 94612

Location Description: Business mailing address in Oakland: 360 Grand Ave # 390, Oakland CA, 94610. Company main office address at : 1415 Everett St. El-Cerrito, CA 94530. Multi Locksmith is licensed by the California bureau of Security and Investigative service, License No. LCO 4794. Multi Locksmith performs its services through a network of independently owned and operated affiliates. Our services include: opener garage doo,repair garage door,garage door transmitter,lift garage door,new garage door,replacement garage door opener,clicker garage door opener.

360 Grand Ave # 390
Oakland, CA 94610