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Finding the Right Roller Shutters for Your Shop

As the owner of a retail setting, you need to ensure that the level of security is as high as it can possibly be in order to protect your livelihood from the threat of thieves and vandals. There are many security measures you can implement such as CCTV systems and high quality burglar alarms along with roller shutters. If you are unsure of which shutters are right for your setting, the following guide has been put together to help you choose roller shutters that protect your shop effectively without detracting from the aesthetic appeal of the building.

Choose the Right Material

Roller shutters can be manufactured using different materials, therefore it is important you take the time to understand the benefits of each. Punched aluminium is a common choice for shop front roller shutters as it provides security whilst still allowing light into the setting, however you may also wish to consider solid steel for extra peace of mind due to its enhanced strength and durability.

Get the Best Price

Any business owner will undoubtedly be looking for high quality at cost effective prices, especially in these tough economic times. For this reason, it is best to undertake a little research in order to establish exactly what you are getting for your money by discussing your security options in further detail with an industry professional.

Ensure a Repair Service is Available

It is extremely important to remember that not only should your provider be able to supply and install your roller shutters to the highest quality, they should also be able to offer an efficient roller shutter repair service. Make sure you are not left waiting for days on end in the event of your roller shutters becoming damaged by choosing a company that offer a 24 hour shutter repair service.

Consider Other Physical Security Products

When looking to find the perfect roller shutters for your shop, it is also wise to consider other physical security products in order to protect the entirety of the setting. Side windows and back doors can also be targeted by thieves and vandals, therefore implementing security grilles together with additional locks on all doors will help to create a watertight security system.  As a shop owner in the modern day, it is an unfortunate fact that opportunists are simply waiting for the chance to cause damage to your livelihood; don’t let yourself fall victim of criminal activity, protect your business with a range of high quality physical security products.

Remember your Insurance

Another way in which you can protect your business is through taking out appropriate insurance. With an abundance of online price comparison systems available, you could find that a comprehensive policy can be taken out in just a few clicks of the mouse. By ensuring you have quality physical security products in place, appropriate cover may be more cost effective than you might think, meaning you can sleep well at night safe in the knowledge that you have done all you can to protect your retail setting without paying extortionate premiums.

Whether you are a local off licence, a fashion boutique or a grocery store, find the right roller shutters for your shop by taking material, price, repairs and other physical security products into consideration together with taking out a fully comprehensive insurance policy for complete peace of mind that your retail setting is fully protected at all times. Beat the criminals by taking the necessary steps to deter them through a range of security measures.


Sophie has written numerous articles regarding physical security options for commercial settings such as roller shutters, security grilles and steel cages to name just a few.