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Why Utilise Hotels for Business Conferences

Conferences and seminars are a fast-growing industry – so much so that entire cities are repositioning their services and marketing campaigns in order to cash in on the potential. This is leading to a greater variety of service providers in the sector, to the extent that anyone trying to plan a seminar has more options than ever before. 

So many options can make it difficult to decide which providers you should book. However, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that hotels are still the leaders in this department. Check out these factors that suggest your upcoming conference should be booked start-to-finish through a single hotel provider: 

Full catering options

Regardless of where you end up hosting the conference, you are going to have to arrange catering services of some sort. If you choose an outside, third-party location, then you will have to work with the facilities provider on one hand, and the caterer on the other. This requires twice as much back and forth as possible and reconciling schedules and availability is going to be less convenient. 

If on the other hand you arrange for your seminar to be hosted by – let’s say – one of many Jersey hotels, you’ll end up with a single point of contact who knows the facilities, understands the way catering factors in and can see to it that you are fully accommodated on all levels. Not only is it more convenient this way, you will probably end up receiving better all-around service as well.  

A range of conference facilities 

Hotels – especially those in the four- or five-star range, have a broad selection of options that you can take advantage of. This is good from the outset, as it ensures that you can book exactly the type of facility that you are looking for. But this is only the beginning. 

Conferences have a tendency to evolve before they actually take place. Numbers swell (or wane, depending on the situation). Seminars can change directions or take on new dynamics that require more advanced audio visual equipment or other facilities changes. Book through a hotel, and you can rest assured that any changes can and will be accommodated. If half of your scheduled attendees call and say they can’t make it, you can always downgrade from a large conference room to a smaller board room. Of course, the same works in the opposite direction.  

A selection of rooms available to suit all attendees

Big conferences have a broad spectrum of attendees. The big execs who are attending on day three probably have higher expectations than the average attendee in terms of rooms and services. Many hotel conference packages include a few deluxe room offerings in the mix to cater to these people. Book outside of a hotel and you’ll have to work all of this out for yourself, and you may end up doing it across multiple hotels. 

No one is late to the meeting. 

Okay, so technically there’s no guaranteeing that no one will be late. However, any well-meaning attendee who has every intention of getting to the conference on time is much more likely to do so. Hire cars, taxis and public transportation do not come into play. All you have to do is wake up on time, get yourself ready and stride out the door. 

Price bundling comes into play.

Sometimes, do-it-yourselfers get it in their head that they can build their own conference package, make use of a few promotions across a few different service providers and save a lot of money in the process. This is certainly a possibility; but it’s also a monumental headache. At the end of the day, you will probably fare better by bundling several services into one. When you book a conference through a hotel, you receive accommodation, catering, fringe services and conference facilities all through the same provider.


Hotel Savoy Jersey is a boutique hotel that can be found in St. Helier, the capital of Jersey. One of the beautifully elegant Jersey hotels in the island, it is a few minutes away from major shopping areas, the town centre, and many of St. Helier's tourist attractions.