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Why Are Trade Fairs Such An Integral Part Of Business Life?

Trade fairs are something that every business needs to be involved in. It’s a way of meeting other people connected to your industry, promoting your business and raising awareness of your brand. You can learn about all the newest innovations in your area of expertise and get a rare chance to socialise with colleagues and industry friends. Attending a trade fair is an expensive game, so make sure you turn up with all the right things.

You’ll need a good quality sign and banner that tells everybody exactly what it is that you do. Make sure you get your brand good and big – this is what needs to stand out the most. Trade banners are not the place to get bogged down in detail – keep it simple and stick to your company’s colour theme. You’ll also need a really good display and an assortment of games and giveaways to tempt people in. Here are some of the benefits you’ll get when you get your trade stand right:

Products, Brands and Services are Promoted

Having a bold presence at a trade fair will let everybody know that you mean business. You will have direct access to a wide range of customers, all linked with the industry. So you’re selling to people that already understand the nuts and bolts of what you do! You’ll make instant sales as well as generate future sales leads. As the old saying goes, ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’, and if you make your presence known at a trade fair, everybody will remember you.

Build Your Address Book

You’ll meet so many new people at a trade fair and you’ll have lots in common too. This is bound to be good for your address book – the more contacts you have in the industry the better. Make use of all your time there, making sure you speak to the right people. Be bold and introduce yourself to people – shyness won’t get you far at a trade fair.

Discounted Prices

Of course, you can buy as well as sell at a trade fair, and many companies offer great deals on sales. They may offer a discount if you commit while you’re there, or they may offer a bulk discount. Everyone is out to get more sales so they will be keen to offer you a price you wouldn’t find anywhere else. It’s a great business trick!

Whether you’re selling or buying, a trade fair is the place to be if you want to be kept abreast of all the latest developments in the industry you are interested in. Before your trip, make sure you plan it carefully, making a list of everybody you want to meet and talk to. Set yourself some other objectives too so that you remain focused for the duration of the trade fair.

Trade fairs are brilliant for business, so get your banners and signs made up, and head on off to the next one that’s happening for your industry. You’ll throw open a whole world of new opportunities!


Austin Williams, is a part of the team at Maya Promotion and Printing, a renowned banner printing service in Toronto. He is a frequent blogger and likes to share innovative ideas on how to perk up your business.