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Five Tips for Effective Phone Answering Service Scripts

The majority of business answering service calls are taken by either an automated system or an operator trained to respond with a series of scripts provided by the company. Creating these scripts takes attention to detail and attention to the right customer service attitude. The last thing customers or clients wants when they call the phone answering service line is failure to provide needed information or an answer to their questions.

One: Take Time for Personal Attention

Live phone operators provide more personal attention than automated ones obviously, but scripts for either can start with a warm greeting and include well-mannered phrases. Business answering service scripts should make the caller feel the company appreciates the call and is eager to help them with whatever they need. 

Two: Get to the Point Quickly

As pleasant as it is to be greeted pleasantly and listen to well-wishes, the majority of people who call have a problem they want addressed in a timely fashion. The first line after the greeting should be a variation of “How can I help you?” In an automated system, the greeting should be closely followed by detailed options the caller can select to find the information they require.

Three: Market, But Not Too Much

Customer contact provides an excellent opportunity to offer new products and services. Upselling to existing customers gives a company a chance at increasing profits more easily than finding new customers. The answering service script should include offers that may be of interest to people who have already purchased from the company in the past, or contracted their services. Automated systems do this by tacking on some marketing at the end of the call. Live operators should ask if they can share a new product with the caller, or make a statement about a special deal or offer.

Four: Expect Any Contingency

Not only does a business phone answering service caller need their question answered quickly, they also need it answered correctly with the confidence that the answer is accurate and complete. The phone operator must be provided with scripts or information to cover not only the most commonly asked questions, but more complex ones as well. 

Five: Always Give Other Contact Options

When a caller asks a question that is beyond the scope of operator abilities, there needs to be another option for them to find the answer. Include contact information with telephone scripts and instruct the operator to give it out or transfer the call when necessary to maintain a positive customer service relationship.

Business phone answering service scripts should be written in such a way as to provide all possible information to customers and clients while maintaining a friendly and professional tone. Companies who use these valuable services to connect with customers should remember the five most important tips: be personal, waste no time, cover all needs, upsell and encourage further contacts.


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