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Clever Tips for Setting up a Home Office

Many people who work from home still bother with outdoor and indoor distractions and the list of best solutions to this problem usually narrows down to setting up your own home office in the end. A nice, practical, functioning home office is a dream come true for any freelancer out there. So, here are a few simple tips to help you get started working in peace, from the comfort of your home.

Find the right spot

This takes some careful observation. You need to pick a spot in your house that will have enough room for a table, chair, some shelves and a small closet. A neat corner away from your living room should do the trick. The living room should be avoided because you will have guests coming over. Stay away from the entrance of the house as well, as the doorbell can be a distraction. Also, make sure to make your office functional, attractive and comfortable to work in – after all, you will be spending a lot of time in it every day, so you want to feel good in it. Pick a spot next to a window, preferably with a nice view. Natural light is important for relaxing and a nice view can be inspiring and boost your creativity.

Get connected

Your home office needs to have enough power plugs and sockets to connect all your equipment – faxes, phones, computers, laptops and the internet. Don't forget that extra socket for charging phones and laptop batteries. An extension cord with at least six sockets is necessary, and they can be combined into two cords with twelve sockets, more than enough if you ask me.

Choose the right furniture

This step can be a bit challenging. You will easily be tempted by a large oak office desk, but before you succumb, think about whether it will fit. Not only in your room, but through the door as well. To avoid these nasty predicaments, do some research on factors to consider when choosing office furniture, take measures of your current furniture, go through some catalogs, compare the offer with what you already have, and then make the purchase. Don't waste too much time on browsing though, many office furnishing companies such as this one have all you need in one place.

Avoid a mess

Place the electronic equipment close to the sockets. Cables get tangled easily, which looks like a mess and you can even trip on one and hurt yourself. Get as much wireless equipment as you can. Internet cables are a thing of the past, as every router is now made wireless. Wireless headphones, keyboards and other PC equipment used to be more expensive than regular ones, but now they come at the same price, or, if you look carefully, even cheaper.

Organize your workspace

The last step you need to think about is organizing your workspace so that you always know what goes where. Misplaced equipment can be a bother to look for, and not mention the time you lose while looking. At the end of your work day you need to put all of your papers and files into folders, and place them on shelves or in a closet with partitions. A table full of papers and unnecessary things is the last thing you want to see the next morning when you start working. The fewer things you have on your table, the better. If you have a client coming over, they will be impressed and you will look more professional.